4 Easy Steps To Get Your Health On Track


“Hope floats,” so it is said. But, darn if one could catch it. However, as we look around, it looks as hope and luck fall on everyone but us. “Why not me,” you may say!

Yet, when it comes to our health is hope really all you need?

Let’s look at what hope is.

Hope is to feel that something desired may happen.

So, is it reasonable to “hope” my health will change? That depends! Let’s look at those who seem to have all the luck. Maybe, they have more than hope and luck on their side.

A former client came to me with, in my opinion, a big hairy audacious weight loss goal. This individual wanted to lose more than 100 pounds as soon as he could healthfully.  This individual had many tools, including my guidance, to serve towards his goal. Yet, more importantly, he had something more. Guess what; it was not hope and luck.

Yes, his purpose is what helped him achieve his goal. This purpose was greater than just losing 100 plus pounds.

Everyone’s purpose will differ. Yet, you will know when you found it. It is that sense of determination that nothing will slow or stop you from achieving what you set out to do.

How do you find your purpose for your health?

  1. Start broadly. Define your health/ fitness goal. It is okay for it not to be detail at the very beginning.
  2. Let’s specify that goal. What is it exactly you want to accomplish? Break it down so you can determine if you are progressing towards that outcome.
  3. Is this important to you? Now, you need to start digging deeper. Why do you want to accomplish this? If you do not get the sense or a burning desire to achieve, you need to reevaluate this goal. Getting to the top of the mountain just to find out it was the wrong mountain could be devastating.
  4. Let Fitness Oomph help you with your goal setting and determining your purpose. Connect with us now!

Hope and luck are great when they come along. But, do not wait for them to assist you. However, do rely on a purposeful intent. Then and only then will you achieve all you set out to accomplish. Rise and shine, my fitness friends!

Yours in Health,

Jerry Cox

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