5 Things To Help Determine Your Health

Health from the Outside In

No matter how many dusty books you have on your shelf it does not mean you are knowledgeable. In the same regard, you can read all those books and yet accomplish little. Similarly from a health and fitness standpoint, you can have all the fitness equipment in the world and not be healthy. You also can use that equipment and still the same, accomplish little.  

In some instances, you really need to dive deeper to fully understand. You health is no different. You cannot and should not rely on one variable. 

Interestingly, we live in a very visual world. At a glance, for example, we may see a skinny fellow and decide he is healthy. Or someone obese and determine their health is bad. Conversely, we may carry extra weight and have no negative effects. Thus, we would say that person is “apparently healthy.”

Can you see how visual perception plays into our thinking? What trickery our eyes play on us! To fully determine your health, you need more measurables. Let’s dial it in with these.

  1. Blood pressure: Normally you would like it to be near 120/80. To get this measured, check with your health care provider or a fitness expert that has the capability to conduct it. Lastly, if you experience white coat syndrome or just nervous when getting it tested, have it measured a few times.
  2. Cholesterol levels: Your cholesterol numbers should be less than 200 for total cholesterol. And, your non HDL level should be less than 130. Ask your doctor to test you for this.
  3. Body Composition: Yep, even though this is a visible measure, it is still a good marker of health. Higher fat levels are ideal whether you are skinny or fat. We would suggest Bod Pod or Hydrostatic weighing for more accurate results. If you want a generally idea, skin fold testing or BIA testing such as InBody will give you decent feedback.
  4. Heart Rate Recovery Time: After exercise, the amount of time it takes for your heart rate to return to resting. The quicker it returns show better fitness and better heart health.
  5. Blood Sugar levels: Your blood sugar levels depend whether you are fasted or recently fed. Again, check with you doctor to get this tested.

Now, that you have these baseline health markers. It is time to get your game plan ready. Simply, make some short term, mid range, and long term goals using the S.M.A.R.T. principles. Need more help? Let us coach you.

Rise and shine, my fitness friends,

Sarah & Jerry

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