5 Tips To Surviving The Holidays Healthfully
It is your favorite time of the year! And, least favorite time for your waist line.
No one wants to be the bah humbug of the party and yet you have worked so hard to be healthier up to this point. WHY give that all up? Next thing you will tell yourself is I will just start again in the New Year.
Does that seem familiar? Too often, this is our approach to health. When it is convenient, we will be healthy. However, as temptation surrounds us, we cave in with little effort to ward it off. Sadly, every year we tell ourselves, “this is the year!” And, so it goes year after year.
Will you commit yourself to a healthier Holiday Season? If you said, “YESSSS,” you need to put these Holiday survival tips into your bag of goodies.
Holidays Survival Guide
- Set limits. Yes, this takes some will power but if you plan it, the burden will be lessened. Simply, use a smaller plate, or opt out of dessert or eat it in moderation. Most importantly, go in with a goal.
- Know your weaknesses. Imagine how successful you would be if you could avoid those pitfalls. Honestly, this just takes a little forethought. And, understanding them makes them easier to adjust to or handle them.
- Find comfort in family and friends not food. Do not let your emotions or boredom cause you to drown in copious amounts of calories! Finding good company or activities with friends or family will help you stave off those unnecessary binges or cravings.
- Plan your workouts. Look, you just have to do this or you will not continue your exercise routine. Sadly, this happens too often and we do not start again until we set our next New Year’s Resolution.
- Drink water. Obviously, we need to drink more water. Sometimes when we are hungry, we are actually in need of more fluid. No, you cannot replace water with Uncle Harry’s famous egg nog.
Do not let the Holidays get the best of your health! It is time to actualize your goals. Why? “Tis the season.” Besides, you do not want to restart every holiday. Those setbacks become very taxing thereby, lead to frustration and giving in. NOPE, not this year because your are ready! Rise and shine, my fitness friends.
Yours in health,