Beyond Knowledge: The 3 Other Pieces Needed For Weight Loss


Arm yourself with this weight loss weapon! As the saying goes, “knowledge is power.” But is knowledge the secret key to unlocking the weight loss vault. 

Obviously, that answer is “no.” 

Look at it this way. If you know how to eat to be healthy to achieve your weight goal, that does not mean you will choose and eat the right foods. Likewise, you may know exercise basics to achieve weight loss, but will you put one step in front of the other.

Do not think knowledge is unimportant. In fact, it is a piece in the wheel to achieve your weight goal.

So, what else do I need to be successful on my weight loss journey?


Have you ever had an idea that you thought, “I am going to do that.” Well, if you did not accomplish it, why? Were you worried what others would think or were you scared you might fail? We all face fear. Yet, what can set you apart is your ability to manage that fear.

How do you build courage and mitigate fear?

Simply by doing the things over and over again, successfully, of course, you will lessen your fear. For example, if you climb a bit higher each time or taking a big drop on a mountain bike repeatedly, this task that scared you before becomes easier and less stressful on our mind’s fear compartment.


Have you ever talked with someone who was super determined? Maybe their goal was to be a Pro Triathlete or driven to succeed achieving their weight loss goal. Watching someone with that conviction is truly amazing because nothing will stop them from accomplishing that goal.

What drives that will to succeed? And, how do I obtain that drive?

Ultimately, their will is driven from their purpose or burning desire. You need to figure out your purpose for your weight loss goal. Most people are more successful when they do it for someone they care about. To find your purpose, contact us.


Obviously, knowledge, courage, and will give you an incredible advantage to achieving your weight loss goal. Nonetheless, it goes without saying that action has to be applied for results to occur.

To get started, write out 3 things you will do daily to move the needle on your weight loss. Next, do them until it becomes habit.

Incredibly, if you apply these pieces to your life, you will find more success in anything, not just weight loss. These are the keys to driving around your new body and achieving better health. So, start now and achieve what you and Fitness Oomph knows you can! Rise and shine, my fitness friends!

Yours in health,

Jerry Cox

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