How To Eliminate Your Barriers To Exercise
Have you stopped and started exercise programs? This is common in the health and fitness industry. So, if you have, you are not alone. But, why does this happen? And, how can we prevent falling into this vicious pattern over and over again.
First, let’s look at some common reasons this happens.
Many times people are waiting for that next wave of motivation. Sadly, that is not how motivation occurs. Yes, it may seem like it. Why? Every time we get a grandiose idea and act on it, we have so much energy at the start, and then just like that we fizzle out. How does motivation actually work for us, you ask? It is simple and thoughtful. The simplest way to view motivation is that continued success yields further movement towards your objective. The thoughtful side comes down to planning. More on that later.
We all are lacking time. Yet again, time is all we have. How do you maximize your time? That is where you need to focus your efforts. Once you can conquer time management, the fulfillment of your day will expand. To get started, read Fitness Oomph’s blog on “THE TIME FOR YOUR HEALTH IS NOW: 4 WAYS TO MAXIMIZE YOUR TIME.”
Wow! Nothing can be a bigger nuisance towards your health goal or exercise plan than an injury. But, should an injury completely thwart your momentum. In some instances, yes, it may be a barrier. However, you may be able to alter your fitness plan to stay the course. As always, check with your doctor for limitations or restrictions. Once you have clearance, you should work with a fitness professional to help you make an alternate fitness plan that will not exacerbate your injury.
“It is all about the Benjamin’s, baby!” Money rules our lives but health runs our lives. So, instead of looking at it from a cost perspective, we should change the lens to a value perspective. What is the difference? Cost is looking at how much is paid out. Value is how much we are deriving from it. For example, if you pay $75 a month for a fitness membership and do not use it, the cost is high compared to the value you receive. In contrast, if you use the membership 5 days a week, you now see more value in it. You will always get out what you put in, so an investment in your health will add to your life.
Now we understand the obstacles to continuing towards our fitness and exercise goals, let’s look at how we can effectively stay on track.
Have you ever gone on a trip without selecting a destination? That sounds silly, right! Well, if you are on your fitness journey, you goal is your destination. Just like a trip, you need to narrow down your criteria. Your success depends on it. For instance, setting a trip to South America is too broad. Yet, we do this all the time when setting our health goal. We say things like, “I want to be healthier.” You need a better and more detail destination. Read more on goal setting here.
Have you ever had the burning desire or that never say quit attitude? You have to find that passion/ purpose towards your goal. To determine your purpose, you need to ask yourself “why?” Why do you want to achieve this and why now? If you need more assistance diving into this, contact Fitness Oomph for help.
What is the difference between a goal and a plan? Your goal is like an idea, that light bulb moment. And, your plan is the actions you will take to make that light bulb moment come to fruition. Research shows time and again that those who plan will achieve more than those who do not. So, grab that sheet of paper and jot out those top 5 actions to help you achieve your goal.
The key to success is understanding your barriers to exercise as well as defining your goal, purpose, and plan. The plan will give you the stick to it you need for a lifetime of health. Dream it, be it, and achieve it. And, do not let any obstacles stand in your way. Rise and shine, my fitness friends.