The 6 Ways to Avoid Distractions on Your Health Journey
Have you ever had something or someone that consumed your thoughts? Every turn no matter where you are the idea of that item or individual pops into the forefront of your mind. We also encounter smaller interruptions in our day. Can you hear it? Your phone just pinged. These thoughts and actions can breed creativity or distract us from our goals. Importantly, the way we confront these distractions will make or break you. The choice is ours.
The great news is we all get to choose. Yet, you have to discover your ability to adapt your thoughts to benefit you.
These distractions will also affect that new health goal you created. Are you ready for them? Or, will you let these distractions thwart your success. Even better, you can be prepared to use them to fuel you to achieve more. Let’s look at some simple ways to avoid distractive pitfalls.
6 Strategies to Keep Your Health Goal on Track
- Write down all the distractions you may face. A little brainstorming about any challenge will help you prepare for it physical, mentally, and/ or emotionally. Make sure you are thorough with this process. Ideally, this will be an open document that you can continually update.
- Write out the actions you will take when a distraction presents itself. If you only know what distractions affect you, you are only half way there. In other words, understanding how you will act allows you to create a positive behavior and not digress from the more important movement or progress towards your goals.
- Change your viewpoint. We control our thoughts and ideas. Thus, we have the ability to conform how we think about something. No, it is not easy to do. Ultimately, this will take daily practice to change how you look at things. But, when you do, “change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change.”
- Let it fuel you to achieve more. If it is something or someone that floods your brain, turn those thoughts into inspiration. How? You can use that item you desire as a reward for achieving a short term goal. As for someone, that will vary on the circumstance. Nevertheless, the best thing you can do is wake up every day with renewed energy to be the best version of yourself. Be healthier. Choose to be kinder. Practice more patience. Most importantly, be love.
- Meditate or take a walk. Find a strategy that helps you clear your mind. For instance, you can move beyond the distraction with some deep breathing or light movement thereby, bringing you restorative peace to your body and mind.
- Plan, Plan, Plan! For all this to be most beneficial, you need to have a game plan. This should include daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals you strive to achieve. Additionally, you also need the actions you will take to achieve these goals and avoid any possible pitfalls.
In the end, this is vital to your success and important to get right. Virtually, everything starts with mindset. Therefore, to be your best, you need to think your best. Are you ready for an improved next minute, hour, and day? Build that plan and progress until your dreams are reality. Rise and shine, my fitness friends!