The 8 Tips to Act on Your Health Goal Now!

Lifestyle choices and actions

It is not my fault! No, you are not hearing me. You know, it is a genetic disposition for me to be this way; it is how my parents raised me. Additionally, our economic situation at home does not allow for it and my spouse would not approve. Are we a result of our upbringing, genetics, or environment? Or, are we a result of our choices?

How many stories have you heard of someone going from “rags to riches?” There, invariably, are tons out there. Do you think their mindset was “I cannot because of…?” The same goes for health success stories. Yes, there are people that may be circumstances of their health surroundings, for a time. Yet, we have the freedom of choice even if it happens later in life.

“Between stimulus and response, man has the freedom to choose.”

–          Victor Frankl

To choose, it starts with thought. Afterwards, you need the will power or internal drive to compel our initiative. At that point, we recognize our responsibility to make things happen. Then, it is 3, 2, 1 and ACTION! To increase our action potential, use these tips every day.

  1. Act; do not wait to react. We have evolved to a society of easy living. In the end, we wait for the going to get tough before we decide change needs to occur.  The effort to restore your health becomes more challenging if you react to a health crisis. Get ahead of your health by choosing right by your body every day.
  2. “That is just who I am” or “it is what it is” thinking creates paralysis; thereby, no further advancement towards that goal will occur. For example, the “I am” statement of being shy will result in an introvert personality. Challenge yourself to push out of those boundaries. Simply, choose one new healthful action each day that you would not generally do. Do this until you become more comfortable, but never stop as regression is possible. As for the statement, “it is what it is.” Change your statement to “it is what I make it.” You have control of your thoughts and actions.
  3. Problems versus control. We will always encounter struggles in life. The question, ultimately, is, “how do we react to these life problems.” More specifically, was the problem caused by your behavior? If so, look inward for understanding and then, outwardly start changing that habit. Or, was another person’s behavior the cause of the issue? In that case, know what influences that individual and develop more tactics to overcome those behaviors. If the issue is outside of our control, change the way we see and react to the problem. Do not be hasty with your emotions. And, remember health starts from the inside.
  4. Making and keeping commitments. Plan ahead and make those fitness appointments priorities besides what is more important than your health. Without your health, you cannot give more often, be more, love longer, and praise longer. You can be everything and more while keeping your health as part of your days.
  5. Listen to your rationalizations of why you choose what you choose. “I cannot exercise because…”  Take a moment to recall how it felt when you choose the route towards your health goal. Successful, for sure!
  6. Write out your mantra and practice it every morning and night. Ideally, using “I am” statements and gratitude for them is a good practice. Your mantra should be based from your “Super Why.” For instance, “I am grateful that my health is improving every moment.” Or, “I am an exercise champion and thankful that movement is part of my life.” By instilling these positive affirmations, you are reassuring positive behaviors towards your goals.
  7. Introspection of self is so important to growth. Take a moment each week to evaluate why you do what you do. Ideally, you want to identify areas in your life you can improve.
  8. Understanding the scenario, then create a vision of the actions you will take. This is a simple visualization exercise. It prepares us for the upcoming instead being closed minded and reaction based.

In the end, our actions are determined by our choices. Be better tomorrow because of your choices today. Rise and shine, my fitness friends!

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