The Most Crucial Component For Your Health: 4 Steps To Change


We live without the thought of consequences. We amble through life with our routine patterns like ants marching. Yet, the difference between you and ants is their purpose comes without choice.

We make choices constantly during each day. Interestingly, although we have freedom to choose, some of our choices are habitual due to years of ingrained thoughts, concepts, and patterns.

So, what is holding us back from accomplishing better health? We stay in oblivion because it is easier than dedicating ourselves to change.

Change is not easy and it demands commitment to remodel years of habit, beliefs, and preconceived ideas.

Here are 4 ways to incorporate change in your life.

  1. Listen to yourself. Are you getting defensive or emotional? Or, are you just falling back into a pattern? By truly listening, you can determine if this decision or reaction is best for me now and my future.
  2.  Try something new. Yes, you should take a chance. Life is limited or expanded by our choices. Do not ever let an opportunity to improve pass you by or cause you to wonder, “what if?”
  3. Be open to all possibilities. We get stuck by knowledge from previous experience and try to translate it to everything that comes next. In fact, it is that obstinacy that limits our growth and success. Similarly, even as you make new changes, you cannot close your mind to everything else. Ultimately, you should always be seeking and gathering information for your betterment.
  4. Evaluate your day. If your daily grind seems to be repetitive, it is time for a tune up. Simply, look at all the things you do in a day and find an area that you can improve. Next, you can add small changes and continue to build on it. Living in stagnation is not going to give you the life or health you desire.

Give yourself and those around you everything. Importantly, that is the will power it will take to create lasting change. Make your commitment to a change today; take a leap to challenge yourself and health. Rise and shine, my fitness friends!

Yours In Health,

Jerry Cox

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