This Is Your Health Check Point
Have you created your own concepts of health? Is your head in the cloud of an altered reality. If so, you may find some day consequences to those actions or inactions.
You simply cannot believe it is so and thus it is so. Likewise, being apparently healthy does not necessitate health. My wife and I work towards our health constantly. However, we are human and you are too. You will make mistakes and get tripped up along the way. We certainly do. Staying on top of your health takes work. Here are some practices and strategies to employ for your success.
3 Ways To Be On Top Of Your Health
- Be aware of what health is. If you were to grade yourself, would you get an A, B, C, D, or F? Here are some ways to measure were you stand.
- Let us evaluate you. With our health scorecard, you will know what areas need improvement.
- Hip waist ratio and BMI. These are reference point measurements. They do not indicate body fat. Instead they are suggestive towards health based on body measurements.
- Checking your weight. Honestly, my wife and I weigh ourselves quite a bit. It keeps us accountable. We also work out in Summer Time Land so our sweat rate is high. It can guide us to how much water we need to replenish our losses. If you are trying to lose weight, 10 percent of your body weight is a good goal for improved health.
- Annual check ups. Going to your doctor for a quick visit helps ensure internally you are doing okay. My wife and I see our doctor every Sunday. That’s just because we ride bicycles with him.
- Realize and understand your tripping points. Once you determine things that can cause you set backs, you can start minimizing them in your day, week, year, and eventually your life.
- Give yourself grace. So, you fell into one of those tripping points. What now? Do not give into more of those things that challenge you. And for your health sakes, do not give up. Always have your restart or refresh button ready. However, do not fall victim to use that as an accuse to always give in to your tripping points.
Rise and shine, my fitness friends,
Sarah & Jerry
Great content! Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the kind words! It is very appreciated.