Weight No More! Actions You Need to Take For Your Weight Loss Now
Are you walking around with the weight of the world on your shoulders? In this case, we are talking in a literal sense. Maybe, you have been trying unsuccessfully to reduce your waistline or have extra weight gain from the pandemic. Have you ever caught yourself yelling “this has got to stop!” Or, maybe you wondered how to stay on the path to successful weight loss.
- If it is not convenient, it is not for me. We are all about convenience these days. However, sometimes taking the convenient way will hamper your success. For example, if you are hungry or pressed for time, you may choose a fast or convenient food place. That may cause adding hundreds of extra calories than if you would have prepared your own food. Likewise, if your fitness center is not conveniently located to work and home, you may skip your workout, thereby not burning calories to hit your daily goal.
- Excuse me! Look, in all seriousness, we are good at finding and making excuses or even rationalizing what we do or do not do. My wife and I do it too, especially me when that extra sweet treat. To conquer your excuses, learn to catch them. Once you do, apply what you are thinking about doing to your dream and goal of being healthy and reducing your weight. If it does not line up, choose something that does. You will mess up but try to choose right 80% of the time.
3. Set yourself up for failure or success. If you want to fail, do not plan or find your super why. Yet, you can achieve your goal if you have passion for it and make actions to accomplish it. What will you choose?
4. Get a coach! There is no better way to achieve something hard than having a coach in your corner. We would love to help you.
Rise and shine, my fitness friends!
Sarah & Jerry